Donate Computers or Equipment to Us

We are always very happy to accept computers because we can turn them around and put them to good use for a good cause. We frequently receive donations from Cornell University departments, labs, individuals, libraries, independent groups, and many other organizations. The CCRA is an excellent way to:

For all donation inquiries, please Contact Us.

Things We Accept
  • Desktops and laptops (from any brand) from ~2015 and onward (the newer the better)
  • LCD monitors of any size
  • Mice, keyboards, hard drives, USB drives, cables (power, VGA, HDMI, etc.), speakers, headphones, etc.
  • Other hardware such as scanners, printers, etc.
Things We Do Not Accept
  • Really old computers and equipment that is well past modern use. As a rule of thumb, anything that does not support Windows 10 or MacOS 10.10 Yosemite or later would not be suitable for donation.
  • CRT monitors
  • Very large items like office copiers, large fax machines, etc.
Data Destruction

CCRA takes your data seriously. To ensure the security of your data, we securely wipe all data on all hard drives in the BIOS using Dell Data Wipe before we donate your computer. In the event that Dell Data Wipe is not available (not a Dell computer, a really old computer, etc.), we use DBAN. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.