To get involved in the club, the best way is to come to a meeting! We meet weekly on Sundays at 1:00 pm on the first floor of Rice Hall starting February 9th, 2025 during the academic year, not including breaks. To find us, enter through the back entrance of Rice Hall and make a left.
On any given day, we will be wiping hard drives, reinstalling Windows, replacing computer parts, troubleshooting issues, packing computers for donation, helping a community member fix their device, and more! All are welcome, no experience is necessary and we will teach you everything you need to know!
You should also join our GroupMe, where we will post regular updates about meetings. To join the GroupMe, click this link: or scan the QR code below:

Executive Board
If you'd like to contact the e-board — for computer requests, donations, or anything else — please email

We only show E-Board members since 2022. If you need to contact anyone else prior to 2022, please email Julia and/or Alan.